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Battlefield 2 Modern Combat PC CD Key: Unlock All the Special Forces, Euro Forces, and Armored Fury

Battlefield 2 is the first installment in the series to be set in a modern setting, taking place in and around 2007 during a global war pitting the United States and the European Union (Euro Force) against China (PLA) and the fictional Middle Eastern Coalition (MEC). The game takes place on different fronts, with American and European Forces invading China and Middle Eastern countries, while Chinese and MEC forces invade the mainland United States (Armored Fury).

Battlefield 2 features thirteen maps in the base game, all of which are available on 16, 32, or 64 player sizes. More maps were later added through expansions and patches. Maps generally take place in urban areas and promote close quarters to medium range combat. The game features two game modes, Conquest as well as a modified variant of Conquest, Conquest Assault.

battlefield 2 modern combat pc cd key

A complete collection of chapters from the modern combat entry in the Battlefield warfare saga, this package includes the original Battlefield 2 as well as three expansion packs: the Battlefield 2: Special Forces pack, the Armored Fury booster pack, and the Euro Force booster pack.

The next stop for the Battlefield franchise took players into a whole new era, this time equipped with more firepower, modernised weaponry and vehicles, and a deeper infantry experience from the jungles to the beaches of Vietnam. Key Features of Battlefield Vietnam

Battlefield 2 brought the intensity and excitement of Battlefield 1942 into the modern era with enhanced team play and the latest, most technologically advanced vehicles and weapons systems available to man - a good two years before Call of Duty got a similar treatment. Fighting for one of three military superpowers - the United States, the Chinese, or the newly formed Middle East Coalition - Battlefield fans were once again thrust headlong into epic 64-player conflicts - this time with their individual character's growing RPG-style in skill the more they played.On top of which, destructible environments and improved visuals and AI made this a worthwhile step forward from its innovative forebear.

In Battlefield: Bad Company 2, the Bad Company crew will again find themselves in the heart of the action, where they must use every weapon and vehicle at their disposal to survive. The action unfolds with unprecedented intensity, introducing a level of fervor to vehicular warfare never before experienced in a modern warfare action game. The 'B' company fight their way through snowy mountaintops, dense jungles and dusty villages. With a heavy arsenal of deadly weapons and a slew of vehicles to aid them, the crew set off on their mission and they are ready to blow up, shoot down, blast through, wipe out and utterly destroy anything that gets in their way. Total destruction is the name of the game - either online or offline, enemies will soon learn there is nowhere to hide.

In Battlefield 2, players are divided into two opposing teams (which factions they represent is dependent upon the map). The key objective in Battlefield 2 is to reduce the opposing teams tickets. Tickets represent an army's ability to reinforce their position on the battlefield; each team has only a limited supply of tickets, and each casualty on the battlefield reduces the number of available tickets. Control points represent key points on the map, and are represented by flags. Control points are Battlefield 2's spawn points, and one team possessing a significant majority of the control points causes the other teams tickets to gradually decrease, regardless of casualties. A round ends when one team's tickets gone, the round's timer ends, or if at any point a team holds no control points, and has no soldiers alive on the battlefield (meaning they are not present in any way on the battlefield).

The commander alone has access to the "commander screen", an interface similar to that of a real-time strategy game. This allows the commander an overview of the battlefield as a whole, or zoom in and view parts of the map in real-time. The commander also has control of the various commander assets, which include artillery strikes, vehicle and supply drops, and UAV's. They can deploy them to assist their team. The commander can communicate with squads either by sending orders, or via VoIP voice communication. These tools allow the commander to strategically coordinate their forces on the battlefield.

Battlefield 2 maps have 3 variations, each suited for a certain number of players. Each map has 16, 32, and 64 player-suggested variations in which the area of battlefield or playing field is relatively small, medium, and large, respectively. The only exceptions to this are Wake Island 2007, which is locked at 64-player size and the Euro Force maps, Operation Smokescreen, Great Wall, and Taraba Quarry, which have no 64-player size. 32 and 64 player maps are unavailable to offline players from retailers, but an option is given to download 64 Single player AI bot mods. Other contrasts between these variations other than the size are the number and position of control points and availability of vehicles. As a result, the gameplay of the map is different depending on the variation.[17][18]

Battlefield 2's first expansion pack, Special Forces, first began its development sometime during or shortly before the release of the original Battlefield 2 by DICE: Battlefield producer, Mike Doran, commented in August 2005 that "The truth is that work on Battlefield 2: Special Forces began several months ago."[20] It was officially announced on July 14, 2005 and released on November 21 of the same year.[21][22] The focus of the development was infantry-based combat as opposed to vehicle-centric combat from the original. As such, most of the additional content in the expansion pack can only be used by or for infantry.

Battlefield 2 won PC Gamer US's "Best Multiplayer Game 2005" and "Game of the Year 2005" awards. The magazine's Dan Stapleton wrote, "Few other games in the history of the medium have so effectively captured the visceral feeling of modern military combat in an urban environment".[44] The editors of Computer Games Magazine presented Battlefield 2 with their 2005 awards for "Best Action Game" and "Best Multiplayer", and named it the year's second-best computer game overall. They called it "perhaps the most thrilling example of how far shooters have come in the last few years."[45]

Battlefield 2 moves the action to the modern-day Middle East and Far East, which sets the stage for battles between much-more technologically advanced vehicles. The goal is to provide the feel of modern combat's complexity without making the gameplay too complex. Jumping into a US antiair vehicle, we saw an example of this in a more interactive HUD, which highlights aircraft with a triangle and starts locking its heat-seeking missiles on. The aircraft itself gets a lock-on warning and can start dropping flares, which show up as heat sources in the HUD. Whether or not the missile hits, the gunner can fire away at the same time with AA cannons. We also saw an impressively large and detailed M1 Abrams tank parked on the street, which is just one of the many modern vehicles in the game.

Battlefield 2 is currently scheduled for release in early 2005. EA did comment that Trauma Studios--responsible for the highly popular modern-day Desert Combat mod--is playing some part in the game's development, but it is primarily being developed by Digital Illusions in Sweden.

INTELLIGENCEIntelligencePreparation of the Battlefield (IPB)forUrban Combat OperationsbyMichael Ley, Intelligence Analyst, U.S. Army Intelligence Center1.GENERAL.MOUT:All military actions planned and conducted on a topographical complex and itsadjacent natural terrain where man-made constructions is the dominant feature.It includes combat in cities, which is that portion of MOUT involving house-to-houseand street-by-street fighting in towns and cities.--FM101-5-1, OperationalTerms and GraphicsThroughouthistory, military planners have viewed cities as centers of gravity. As such,in war, cities are something to either be protected, neutralized, or destroyeddepending on one's mission. According to Intelligence XXI: Threat Panel WhitePaper, August 1998, "The globe of 2015 will contain three distinct worlds."Advanced societies with a population of one billion. Developing states with a population of five to six billion. A chaotic group of failed states with a population of one to two billion. 2.DOCTRINAL BASE.Sincethe collapse of the Soviet Union, several conflicts have erupted within thedeveloping and failed states. Some conflicts caused the deployment of Americanmilitary forces. Missions during these deployments included peacekeeping, NEO,air interdiction, blockade, and combined arms combat. With the exception ofthe Gulf War, the bulk of these operations occurred in or around major cities.Analysts predict that future conflicts will involve some form of military operationwithin the urban environment. The U.S. Army must not only consider an increasedoperations tempo (OPTEMPO), but also the conduct of military operations onurbanized terrain (MOUT). Currenttactical doctrine states that urban combat operations are conducted only whennecessary. Built-up areas should be isolated and bypassed rather than riska costly, time-consuming operation in this difficult environment. Adherenceto these precepts is becoming increasingly difficult as urban centers expand.Ports or airfields are essential to expeditionary forces and are mostly foundin or around large cities. To secure these key facilities and prepare for follow-onmilitary action, commanders must train their forces to operate within the urbanenvironment. OBSERVATION1:"U.S.forces do not possess the overwhelming high technology advantages in a MOUTenvironment as they do in virtually all other environments."FY00Army/USMC Battle Lab MOUT ACTD Program DescriptionDISCUSSION1:Giventhe quote above, FM1-XX2, ArmyAviation Military Operations,providesa number of recommendations the commander and his staff should be aware offrom the onset. One additional recommendation (No. 10) stems from lessons followingU.S. Marine operations at Hue in 1968. TTP:1.Condition of MOUTMOUTis a condition of one or more of the four types of military operations (offensive,defensive, stability operations, and support operations).2.MOUT EnvironmentThephysical characteristics of the MOUT scenario to include its terrain, weather,demographics, associated threat(s) and population density.3.Avoid urban areas when possible.Operatein the urban environment only when the mission dictates it.4.Get in and out quickly.Minimizetime spent in the urban environment. This must be tempered, however, by considerationof the threat and obstacles.5.Do not be predictable.Identifyalternate ingress and egress routes.6.Minimize your signature.Planand execute the mission with maximum emphasis on maintaining cover and concealment.7.Know the current situation.Insiston acquiring the most current information available regarding friendly forces,threat, weather and terrain, hazards, obstacles, and mission parameters (theso called "big picture").8.Establish communications with all participating friendly units.Determinenet information requirements for all participating and supporting elements.Establish communications with ground maneuver elements as soon as possible.Understand the commander's intent and current situation and coordinate allactions at the objective.9.Think before you shoot.Developa clear understanding of the friendly situation and locations. Understand therules of engagement (ROE).10.Make use of soldiers who have grown up in cities.Thereis no substitute for experience and those raised in larger cities know manyof their peculiarities. Listen to them.OBSERVATION2:IPBfor urban operations. DISCUSSION2: Whilemost of the discussion and examples described address the conventional battlefieldenvironment, these same tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) can be usedto address special operations to include unconventional warfare, non-combatantevacuation operations (NEO), amphibious, nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC)warfare, and urban operations. With the exception of large-scale amphibiousassaults, operations in an urban environment and under the conditions presentedmay be the most complex of all. TTP:Itis critical that the commander and his staff be able to quickly identify theconditions and physical environment.Thekey to success of performing adequate IPB within the urban environment is theplanner's ability to think unconventionally or "out of the box." The plannermay be required to shift the focus of his analytical efforts away from thetraditional and toward the unconventional. For example, urban combat tendsto emphasize squad and platoon tactcs and use of the unit's short-ranged anti-tank(AT) weapons, booby-traps, and other low-technology systems. This runs counterto the situation on the conventional battlefield where armor and artillerytend to dominate.Becauseof the diversity offered under the conditions of urban combat, a firm startingpoint for the S-2's efforts may be difficult to find. A tool or a set of toolsmay greatly facilitate the S-2's efforts. Both the framework and the worksheetallow the planner an east-to-use process while also serving as a checklistof urban concerns.OBSERVATION3:MOUTEnvironment Framework. DISCUSSION3: Thisframework will help assist addressing not only offensive and defensive actions,but the complexities of stability and support actions where political, notmilitary, concerns are paramount. The impact of these concerns falls on theS-2 whose primary responsibility is ensuring his commander possesses the situationalawareness necessary to support an accurate military decision-making process(MDMP). This is even more critical when available planning time is short. TTP:Under the conditions of urban combat, especially in the face of a range ofethnic, cultural and political divisions (such as Beirut), this analyticaleffort can be challenging. The MOUT Environment Framework is a tool designedto facilitate and focus the S-2's efforts by: Addressingvery specific MOUT-related concerns. Addressingthese concerns with a logical and sequential process. Obtainingresults quickly. Establishingthe parameters of the S-2's initial analytical effort. Allowingthe S-2 to enter the mainstream of the IPB process armed with a general knowledgeof the environment. Providingcommon reference points for commanders and S-2s.NOTE:The MOUT Environment Framework is structured around the worst-case scenario,general combat in a major urban area. As such, it can be used to support allother military actions there.Whenusing the MOUT Environment Framework, the S-2 must first realize that whentaken as separate components, the numbered elements of the framework are subordinateto one of the four steps of the IPB process. TheMOUT Environment Framework is not designed to circumnavigate any componentof the IPB process.Additionally,for optimum results, the MOUT Environment Framework and the MOUT AnalyticalWorksheet should be used in conjunction with FM34-130, IntelligencePreparation of the Battlefield,andFM90-10, MilitaryOperations on Urbanized Terrain.TheMOUT Environment Framework is depicted below as Figure 1. The numbered elementsof the MOUT Environment Framework outline the S-2's initial concerns regardinghis physical environment, while the identification of the "place" of each ofthese numbered elements, within the four major IPB steps, is clearly annotatedin the subsequent Figure 2. Figure1MOUTEnvironmental Framework ElementAssociatedIPB Step1.Mission Orders#1Define the battlefield environment2.Mission Type#1Define the battlefield environment3.Urban Patterns#2Describe the battlefield's effects4.Built-up Areas#2Describe the battlefield's effects5.Building and Street Patterns#2Describe the battlefield's effects6.Lines of Communication#2Describe the battlefield's effects7.Urban Patterns#2Describe the battlefield's effects8.Pattern Effects#2Describe the battlefield's effects9.Military Aspects of Terrain#2Describe the battlefield's effects10.Avenues of Approach#4Determine threat courses of action (COAs)11.The Threat#3Evaluate the threat12.Demographic Concerns#2Describe the battlefield's effects13.Analyst Procedures Combinationof IPB stepsFigure2Byfollowing the steps outlined in the MOUT Environment Framework, the S-2 isable to focus his IPB effort. Paralleling use of the framework is an exampleMOUT Analytical Worksheet (Figure 3). This worksheet is a "fill-in-the-blanks"form and provides the user with a basic profile of the target situation andenvironment. CONSIDERATIONStepANALYSISANALYTICALNOTES1GeneralUrban DescriptionLargecityTobriz:Population 267,0002ZonedAreas and PatternsB,D, and EPredominantlyB, D in sectors 1 and 4, and E in sector 83LOCsOnemajor highway and two canalsHighway8 to Fez and #5 and #7 canals4UrbanPatternsHubPartof a larger satellite pattern in the region5PatternEffectsFunnel-fanHillyterrain on both sides of the hub6StreetPatternsCentralsector VinussubdivisionRadialMedievalIrregular7StructuraltypesDominatedby large, concrete structures and on the outskirts of the city, numerous shantytownsAlwahsports stadium Vinuspower plant Fordfactory8MobilityCorridorsAirlevel Buildinglevel Intra-Buildinglevel Streetlevel SubterraneanlevelSectors6 and 7 poor (many power lines) Skyscraperssectors 1 and 4 Highlightedby numerous small rooms Denselypacked buildings sectors 2 and 6 Sector1 with underground tunnels, all other areas subjected to the effects of a highwater table9MilitaryAspects of the TerrainObservation/fieldsof fire Coverand concealment ObstaclesKeyterrainSectors3 and 4 poor observation and fields of fire Sectors3 and 4 mostly good cover and concealment Sectors1, 4, and 8 have many obstacles (war debris) SarbinHills and Kulet Ridge in sectors 1 and 210OtherSignificant CharacteristicsSectors1 and 3 Catholic Sector4 Moslem Tabonpolitical partyEthnicKuri and Bari populations make up 89% of the city's population Armedmilitias are prevalent in Sectors 4 and 6Figure3MOUTAnalytical WorksheetOBSERVATION4: Throughexperience in a wide range of combat and peacekeeping environments, the U.S.Army has developed a pattern guide for a number of aspects of urban combat.These aspects include city size, urban environment and city layout, structuralclassifications, and urban patterns, and are depicted in the MOUT AnalyticalWorksheet. DISCUSSION4: Whenaddressing the analysis of the urban area, the U.S. Army generally classifiesbuilt-up areas by size. Villages: Populations of 3,000 or less. Towns or Small Cities: Populations of 3,000 to 100,000 and not part of a majorurban complex. Large City: Cities with associated urban sprawl and a population of 100,000or more. (Source: USMCMCWP 3-35.3)Strip Areas: Industrialized zones built along roads connecting towns and cities.ZonedAreas.Anotherkey element is the type of environment. Environment addresses a broad spectrumof concerns and may include such examples as "a typical Korean city with citieswithin a city, urban sprawl and outlying industry" or "a typical German citywith narrow streets, circular configuration, and low terrain location." Theseenvironments can be defined as a "zoned area," denoting the "type" of structures,building clusters, or neighborhoods found within a section of the MOUT environment.FM 90-10 provides some of the definitions and designations for the zoned areasof a given city to include- TTP:ZONED AREASLetterDesignationandFigure #Layout(Type)DefinitionsADense,random constructionTypicalold inner city pattern with narrow winding streets radiating from a centralarea in an irregular manner. Buildings are closely located and frequently closeto the edge of a roadway.BClose-orderlyblockWiderstreets generally form rectangular patterns. Buildings frequently form a continuousfront along the blocks. Inner-block courtyards are common.CDispersedResidential AreaNormallycontiguous to closed-orderly block areas in Europe. The pattern consists ofrow houses or single-family dwellings with yards, gardens, trees, and fences.Street patterns are normally rectangular or curving.DHigh-riseAreaTypicalof modern construction in larger cities and towns. It consists of multi-storiedapartments, separated open areas, and single-story buildings. Wide streetsare laid out in rectangular patterns. These areas are often contiguous to industrialor transportation areas or interspersed with closed-orderly block areas.EIndustrial-TransportationGenerallylocated on or along major rail and highway routes in urban complexes. Oldercomplexes may be located within dense, random construction or closed-orderlyblock areas. New construction normally consists of low, flat-roofed factoryand warehouse buildings. High-rise areas providing worker housing is normallylocated adjacent to these areas throughout the orient. Identification of transportationfacilities within these areas is critical. These facilities, especially railfacilities, pose significant obstacles to military movement.FPermanentFortifications and Military BasesSomeunique features include narrow access ways with overlapping firing ports. Withthe exception of underground bunkers and nuclear fallout shelters, the vastmajority of fortifications are made of dirt, wood, concrete, and steel, withthe bulk of them being from the period 1870-1914 with steel-reinforced concreteand thick walls. Most are located in and around ports or along national borders.Military bases are not necessarily fortified, but are usually fenced and possesssome form of local defense capability.Linesof Communication. Whilethe size of an urban area varies, in a worst-case scenario it will be quitelarge and include a vast network of modern highways, railroads, canals andother systems. These lines of communication (LOC) permit rapid access in, across,and out of the city. Frequently these systems bypass the core or center ofthe city, avoiding the most congested and built-up areas. There is a limitation,however, inherent in these LOC. They are often built across terrain that isrelatively impractical for off-road vehicular traffic movement and are heavilydependent on bridges, ramps and overpasses. Linesof communication are by nature easily subjected to blocking actions, eitherdeliberate or caused by the effects of rubbeling. The S2 must factor in theLOC's accessibility and the size of the force it can support. Anothercritical LOC element is line of sight (LOS). The closed-in environment, especiallyat the street and subterranean levels, will degrade standard Army radio systems.Line of sight also impacts fields of fire, observation, and the use of signalflags, mirrors, lamps and other forms of communications. Finally, LOS constraintswithin an urban environment are not one but three-dimensional, and must beaddressed from all directions and both vertically and horizontally. A key playerin making this effort work is the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). DuringIsrael's incursion into Lebanon, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) used UAVsin many roles, not the least of which was as retransmission platforms. Thiscapability is today being built into the latest American UAVs. TTP:LINE OF SIGHT CONCERNSSignaldegradation is proportional to structural density, height of the buildings,and urban terrain features. For the purposes of LOS (FM/UHF), the linear distancesare of far less importance than the structural density and disruption of theLOS between given points. This, in turn, means that it is very difficult tomaintain any form of communications with consistency. Additionally, even whenthe situation does not involve armed conflict, the obstacles to effective FM/UHFwithin the urban environment may be hindered by electrical and trolley lineswhich can generate up to 300 times the interference over normal atmosphericinterference on the UHF band. Russian experience in Grozny showed that it wasbetter to dedicate one radio to communicate with a separate subunit, ratherthan trying to communicate over a net. As for the use of wire-based systems,they are, as they have always been, susceptible to many means of damage ordestruction and more so in the city where digging them in is not an option.Note:TheS-2 must be aware of the city's communication infrastructure and that it maybe more robust than in the past. The use of cellular phones, computer nets,and fiber-optic cable may significantly supplement or even replace the needfor using FM/UHF radios.UrbanPatterns. Thelayout of an urban area will normally follow one of three easily identifiablepatterns and two basic sub-patterns. The identification of the specific patternor sub-pattern is an integral part of the urban analysis process. These patternsinclude-- TTP:TypePatternImportanceHubPatternThehub or built-up area is central to any urban pattern. Although it may varyin size, the effects remain constant. The hub may serve as the pivot pointfor a defense or as an element of a defense in-depth. The hub is an obstaclewhich will normally be by-passed. As the attacking force slides off the leadingedge of the hub, it becomes vulnerable to flank attacks and fire along itsaxis of attack. When adjacent terrain is unsuitable for by-pass operations,the hub may be developed as a defensive strongpoint.SatellitePatternThispattern consists of the central hub and dependent, dispersed smaller built-upareas with linear arrays along the connecting links. Links tend to focus onthe central hub, with most taking the form of farm, forest or secondary roads.This pattern provides support to both the attack and defender as shown below--OffensiveOperationsAvenuesof approach or mobility corridors Multipleexit links from the hubDefensiveOperationsResupply,reinforcement and evacuation routes Mutuallysupporting positionsNetworkPatternSimilarin appearance to the satellite pattern but is more complex and diverse. Thepattern represents the interlocking of the primary hubs of satellite patterns.Formed primarily of towns and cities, its elements are more self-sufficientand less supportive of each other, although a dominant hub may exist. MajorLOCs within a network are more extensive than a satellite and may take on arectangular rather than convergent form. The natural terrain here may be morediverse than in a single satellite array. Thenetwork causes attacking units to fight through a maze of synthetic featuresthat provide defensive obstacles. By-pass is difficult because contiguous terrainis often unsuitable for mounted operations. The pattern provides depth to thedefense.LinearPatternAsub-element of the three basic patterns. The linear array may form one or morerays of the satellite pattern or the connecting links of a network. Most frequently,the basic array results from the stringing of minor hubs along a confined naturalterrain corridor. This pattern facilitates the development of a series of strongdefensive positions in-depth. It also acts to delay canalized forces and requiresrepeated deliberate attacks.Segmentor Pie Slice PatternThispattern may occur as a subset of either the satellite or network patterns,or within a major hub. It is characterized by the splitting of an urban areaby a dominant natural or synthetic feature (river, roads, etc.). The patternmay influence the assignment of boundaries and other control measures, or ofattack objectives. The pattern may also bear directly on the organization ofthe terrain and on task organization.TTP:StreetPatterns.Withinthe classifications above there are a number of street patterns that shouldbe noted. These include-- EffectImportanceTheBlocking EffectOftenthe shape and density of the hub as well as the width of major streets andproximity of side streets has the effect of almost completely blocking an operation.TheFunnel-Fan EffectTheeffect normally occurs when the hub is located between terrain features thatare unsuitable for mounted operations. Movement of units into the area resultsin the concentration of forces, loss of offensive momentum, and canalization.Beyond the hub, forces are required to spread or fan out before full combatpower can be developed. This favors the defense because it creates an accordioneffect in units moving through the hub, reducing C2 and operating effectiveness.A similar effect occurs when an attacking force must penetrate an urban networkon a narrow front between hubs.TheFunnel EffectFunnelingor concentration and canalization of forces may occur without immediate fanning.This occurs most frequently when the linear pattern is encountered. It limitsthe number of maneuver units that may be applied against a series of hubs thatmust be confronted in succession, and forces a greater reliance on long-rangeand indirect fire weapons.Eachof the zoned areas previously mentioned include a wide range of structuraltypes. During the terrain analysis phase of urban IPB, these structures mustbe identified. Certain "key" structures may be included under "key terrain"which will be discussed later. These structures include but are not limitedto-- TTP:STRUCTURAL TYPESBuildingTypeImportanceHospitalsand other medical facilitiesNo-FireZone (protected under the provisions of the Geneva Conventions). Also importantfor both civilian and military casualties during times of conflict.Sewersystems, subways, underground water systems, elevated railways, utilities,mass transportation routesUndergroundsystems may provide covered infiltration and small-unit approach routes. Elevatedsystems and mass transit routes provide mobility between city sectors. Utilityfacilities are key targets for insurgents, terrorists and others, and theirdestruction can hinder the capabilities of defending forces. Stadiums,sports fields, playgroundsProvideexcellent civilian and POW holding areas. May be used as interrogation centers,helipads, sheltered POL and ammunition storage areas. Publicbaths, swimming pools, cisterns, and reservoirsServeas an alternate water source in case public water supplies break down. Allowswater for washing and other sanitary needs.Constructionsites, lumber yards, other commercial operationsCanserve as machine repair, obstacle construction facilities and material, andsupport general engineer operations.Hazardousmaterial storage facilitiesPresenta hazard to both sides in an operation and must be accounted for.Permanentor purpose-built fortificationsPermanentfortifications can range from fortresses built by the Crusaders through modernunderground facilities built to survive the Cold War's nuclear scare. The bulkof these, however, will be of the period 1870-1914, mostly found in coastalcities or along national boundaries and designed to resist the fire of theheaviest guns. These fortifications may also house local defense, air defenseand logistics facilities, and present a variety of threats to any maneuverforce.OBSERVATION5:Athorough understanding of the type and pattern of the target city and goodterrain analysis will greatly assist in the analytical effort reviewing multiplemobility corridors and avenues of approach. DISCUSSION5: Mobilitycorridor and avenue of approach development are both common tasks for the S-2,but in a conventional environment normally addresses two tiers or levels theairandthe ground.Levels can serve as mobility corridors for the end objective, usually the takingor holding of key terrain. Key terrain may be defined and located on a mapas "Hill 286," "Mount St. Helens," "Yakima Ridge," "Black Swamp," or the "HockingRiver." Key terrain may also be a structure such as a stadium, skyscraper orbridge. Inthe urban environment, the S-2 will have four tiers of mobility corridors toaddress. These tiers are spatial in nature and include air,building,street,and subterraneanlevels.FM 90-10 addresses buildings within an operational environment as the "vertical"dimension. This dimension extends through three of the four levels-- building,street and subterranean. It is the number and diversity of the levels thatincrease the complexity of the urban mission over conventional operations.Each tier may serve as a single mobility corridor while any combination ofmobility corridors may be employed to form an avenue of approach. Additionally,each of these levels possesses its own unique combat characteristic which willbe discussed below. Figure 4 relates to the differences in mobility corridorsas understood for the conventional and urban operations. Figure4AirLevel.Theair level reflects the threat posed by airborne and air assault forces or groundattack aircraft. From the air, both friend and foe may be able to engage orobserve targets from any obliquity, direction or elevation. Identificationof this mobility corridor in urban areas is critical. Aviation assets can beused for high-speed insertion or extraction of troops, for supplies and equipment,to observe enemy movement, or for ordnance delivery. Reconnaissance Security Attack Air assault Support by fire Command and control Air movement Aerial sustainment Electronic warfare Aviationunit intelligence specialists should immediately focus on the characteristicsof the battlefield as seen from the cockpit. While street obstacles do notaffect aviation assets, light towers, signs, cables, and power lines do affectthem. Additionally, forces using the air avenue of approach in an urban environmentare more vulnerable to man-portable air defense missiles, machine guns, andsmall arms fire because of the height and concealment benefits offered by talland/or densely packed structures. Some unique aviation perceptions in supportof urban operations include a view from-- BuildingLevel. Thebuilding level reflects the threat posed by units moving along the roofs ofbuildings and other structures (elevated trams, bridges, etc.) from one levelabove that of the street to the highest skyscraper. Buildings provide coverand concealment; limit or increase fields of fire and observation; enhanceor degrade LOS; and canalize, restrict or block movement of forces, especiallymechanized/armor forces. Tall structures provide optimum perches for snipersand anti-aircraft weapons, and optimize the positioning of light AT weaponsfor overhead firing. A sub-element of the building level is the intra-buildingstrata,floors that range from just below the roof to just above the ground floor.StreetLevel.Thestreet level (sometimes called the "ground level") reflects the threat posedby units moving at the street level, from building to building, and along oneor more avenues of approach (AA). These routes may include sidewalks, highways,streets, and from building to building. While streets provide the means forrapid advance or withdrawal, forces moving along them may be canalized by largeor densely packed buildings and have little space for off-road maneuver. Becausethey are more difficult to by-pass, obstacles on streets in urbanized areasare usually more effective than those on roads on open terrain. SubterraneanLevel.Thesubterranean level reflects the threat posed by enemy units moving throughunderground passageways. Subterranean systems are easily overlooked but canbe important to the outcome of operations. These areas may be substantial andinclude subways, sewers, cellars, and utility systems. As examples, the cityof Los Angeles alone has more than 200 miles of storm sewers, while Moscowhas over 100 kilometers of very deep subway lines. Most other major citiesand many smaller ones have similar facilities. Both attacker and defender canuse subterranean AA to maneuver to the rear or flanks of an enemy. This wasbest demonstrated at Stalingrad when Soviet troops constantly reappeared inareas that were supposedly secured. OBSERVATION6: Whileterrain analysis is a common element within the IPB process, operations withinthe MOUT environment impart a number of concerns not present on the conventionalbattlefield. The typical concerns regarding the five military aspects of terrainincrease dramatically when the same terrain is an urban environment. Highways,subways, tunnels, elevated railways, tall buildings and the crowded conditionsassociated with the urban environment all contribute to making it one of themost difficult of all military problems. The five military aspects of terrain,around which an analysis is based, consist of-- Observation and Fields of Fire (O&FF) Cover and Concealment (C&C) Obstacles Key Terrain and Weather Avenues of Approach (AA) DISCUSSION6: Theitems above reflect the most important elements of the five military aspectsof terrain when matched against the building and street pattern types previouslydiscussed. FM34-130 outlines four steps in the IPB process, with each step including a numberof sub-steps. Step 2, "Describe the Battlefield's Effects," includes the sub-stepof "Overlaysthat depict the military aspects and effects of terrain"which will be addressed here. Theconduct of operations in a rural environment is difficult enough when the terrainlends itself to the operation or plays a neutral role. The level of difficultyfor the friendly commander increases dramatically, however, when the terrainfavors the threat. One worst-case scenario might include a major metropolitanarea where the advantages presented by densely packed high-rise buildings areenhanced when they lay atop rough or high terrain. Highground is not the only problem. The geographical location of a given structuremight also be cause for an increased intelligence collection effort. Buildingsplaced along in constricted terrain (mountains, rivers, levees, etc.) wouldmore likely form a higher number of choke points than would be found in a cityof equal size lying on a plain or plateau. Finally, the positioning of a structurein a densely populated neighborhood could present the commander with a problemthat might be easily solved through use of force, but would create unacceptablepolitical loss should civilian casualties be high. Such concerns force thecommander and S-2 to perform a more detailed look at urban terrain analysisthan is normally the case. Three-DimensionalTerrain Analysis.Oneof the most consistent lessons learned in previous MOUT operations was theinadequacy of conventional military maps and aerial imagery. There are a numberof reasons for this; most notably is that military-issued maps are usuallynot of the required scale, reveal outdated information, lack details aboutthe subterranean level, and reveal only the "flat" or "two-dimensional" (2D)surface of the target. Perhapsthe most critical shortcoming in the MOUT environment is the last element identified.Standard military maps do not allow a three-dimensional (3D) view of the environment.Two-dimensional maps and images of urban terrain reflect only flat surfacesand are incapable of establishing relative structural heights, a critical elementof urban IPB. This, in turn, creates problems in determining areas of observation,fields of fire, cover, and concealment. Three-dimensional products are an absolutenecessity in the urban combat environment. UrbanOverlay.Oneof the specialized products provided by the unit's assigned terrain team isthe urban overlay. Although usually not a standard product, operations withinthe larger cities will require such an overlay. The urban overlay can be avaluable tool in assisting the S-2 in the performance of his mission. Elementsused to construct the overlay include all steps identified on the MOUT EnvironmentFramework plus maps, aerial/satellite imagery, 3D products, and significantterrain and vegetation features. The continuous effort that is the IPB processshould focus on the more critical elements within the MOUT environment. Theseelements include but are not limited to-- TTP:MOUT CRITICAL ELEMENTSOutlinebuilt-up areas having urban characteristics. Markand outline major and minor land and water transportation lines passing throughthe city. Markthe principal airports. Outlinetypes of water bodies, drainage systems, terrain configuration, and naturalvegetation. Circlelocations where there is a change in the type of transportation. Outlineprimary commercial sub-areas (both central business district and suburbs).Outlinesub-areas of warehouses and open storage. Markrecreational areas, cemeteries, religious centers, government buildings, secondarycommercial centers, and possible light industrial facilities. Outlinethe sections of the residential sub-areas by differing characteristics of theresidences and lots and their relative locations to other functional sub-areas.Outlineprimary industrial sub-areas and utilities (both central business districtand suburbs). Outlinenewer and older parts of the city.TheGlobal Positioning System (GPS).Onecannot underestimate the implications of the use of GPS in urban operations.These systems proved their value in the Iraqi desert in 1991 and today playcritical roles in many military and civilian applications, from targeting tosearch and rescue. As additional and increasingly sophisticated GPS systemsare launched, they form a network of inter-linked and overlapping location-positioningsystems that, in their latest forms, are accurate to within half a meter. Inthe urban environment, with its densely packed construction and often maze-likeroadways, GPS will play a critical location role that may be expressed at thedoor-to-door level. OBSERVATION7: Thereare, of course, a number of othersignificant characteristicsthatmust be addressed under the conditions of MOUT. These include, but are notlimited to, local demographics and history, medical threats, ethnic and religiousconcerns, population density, and threat forces and actions. DISCUSSION7:The most important concern in any environment is the threat assessment anddevelopment of threat models. These models are designed to accurately portrayhow threat forces normally execute operations and how they have reacted tosimilar situations in the past. Within the IPB process (Step #3, Evaluate theThreat), there are a number of sub-elements that must be addressed, culminatingin threat integration. Getting there, however, does not follow a step-by-stepprocess because of the differences from situation to situation. Additionally,the MOUT environment and any special COA concerns (special operations, NBC,NEO, etc.) throw a larger number of variables into any attempt to accuratelyaccess the threat. Understandingthe threat's concerns and focus of his effort is critical to the success orfailure of a given operation. As an example, during operations in Grozny therebels occupying the city were allowed a long planning cycle and they madethe most of it. They used the time to evaluate possible Russian COA and evenrehearse operations within many of the structures. They knew the details ofeach structure, and every rebel knew the mobility corridors and firing pointsfor anti-tank weapons and machine guns. In contrast, the Russians were hurriedlythrown into the battle, were ill-trained and prepared, suffered from a lackof reconnaissance, and did not evaluate the threats posed by individual structuresor crossfires offered by one or more buildings. In the ensuing battle, therebels were able to inflict a severe defeat on the nominally more powerfulRussian units. Some specific concerns in combat operations under the conditionsof MOUT include but are not limited to- TTP:MOUT SPECIAL CONCERNSConcerns/ Are There . . .Effects/ ImpactUndergroundpassageways such as sewers, subways, heating tunnels, water and electricalconduits.Severelyrestricted areas which limits maneuver. Poor ventilation enhances the effectsof smoke and NBC agents. Near miss by explosive ordnance has increased concussiveand ricochet effects. Low light/no light limits the ability to see. Potentialfor flooding.Hydrologicalconcerns (water supplies and electrical). Grid or area shutoffs for power,water, gas and other utilities.Dependingon location, it will be easy to cut off water and electricity to other sectionsof the city. Power grid/sources.Citymaps and aerial imagery denoting building heights, overhead obstacles, bridges,hospitals and other specialized buildings.Militarymaps do not provide sufficient detail nor adapt to urban construction. Bothfriendly and enemy forces may suffer from map limitations while local forceswill not be hindered because of area familiarity.Detailedbuilding and bridge analysis and data on building survivability and structuralintegrity.Mapsand blueprints of major structures will probably not be available. If theyare available, then those possessing them may have a distinct advantage. Demographicconcerns such as population density, housing areas, ethnic or cultural neighborhoods,areas of religious focus.Withinthe boundaries of a major metropolitan area, there may be any number of political,ethnic, cultural, or religious groups. Mosques, churches, graveyards, and otherlocations important to the various factions must be identified and occupation/destructionlimited when possible.Medicalintelligence (if the area has been the focus of NBC operations or prolongedsiege or attack). Urbanareas quickly deteriorate without key services (water, electricity, and sanitation).Such conditions provide breeding places for any number of diseases. Water suppliesmay be contaminated. Use of NBC agents will only enhance negative effects.Forces initiating NBC operations may be at as much risk as target forces dependingon weather, terrain, type of agent deployed, and level of self protection (uniforms,etc.). Industrialcenters such as factories, mills, and producers and suppliers of heavy equipment.Industrialfacilities offer severely restricted and hazardous terrain. Chemical storageareas must be considered before moving into such areas. When occupied, theheavy construction of many structures and equipment offers advantage to thedefender.Highways,rail lines, elevated railways, streetcars, and subways to include structuralanalysis of traffic loads, bridge load weights and measurements, and the capabilitiesof secondary roads to include their potential for canalization. Primaryavenues of approach, street level. Will support the heaviest fighting. Forcesat this level will be susceptible to tight LOS restrictions, flank attacks,and attacks from above and below. Airfieldsand open areas (playgrounds, parks, stadiums, etc.) that could be used foraerial support operations.Potentiallythe most important terrain because it can be somewhat secured. Allows limiteduse of armor and indirect fire weapons. Subject to sniper fire because of improvedLOS.Communicationinfrastructure that might aid or hinder C2. This includes telephone, telegraphand television exchanges, microwave and satellite feeds, and downlinks andcell phone links.Highand densely packed structures restrict LOS-related systems and observation.Many locations are available where communication lines and facilities can becut or destroyed. Radio/television stations/transmitters.ThreatCapabilities.Themodernization of both conventional and unconventional forces through acquisitionof new technologies is a real and dramatic threat to American military forces.Given the funding available to some groups, this equipment may be better thanthat given to Army units. Projected future threat capabilities that may significantlyimpact urban operations include but are not limited to-- TTP:Newmunitions such as fuel air explosives (FAE), enhanced blast, intense lightand improved ballistic technologies. Precision-guidedmunitions. Roboticsand miniature UAVs. Day/nighttarget acquisition systems. Elevatedguns systems.Improvedcommunications. Improvedself-protection (body armor). Non-lethalincapacitating agents (NBC). Improvedengineer/breaching systems. Non-lethalweapon systems (blinding lasers, stun guns, flash grenades, net guns, etc.).MOUTREFERENCESTheconduct of urban operations remains one of the most difficult missions fortoday's Army. The legacy of Stalingrad, Hue, Mogadishu, and most recently,Grozny, ensures that MOUT operations will be taken seriously. To assist commandersand S-2s in the conduct of MOUT operations, a good reference library shouldbe available and should include-- FM1-XX2, ArmyAviation Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT)FM5-33, TerrainAnalysisFM34-8-2, IntelligenceOfficer's HandbookFM34-130, IntelligencePreparation of the BattlefieldFM90-10, MilitaryOperations on Urbanized Terrain FM90-10-1, AnInfantryman's Guide to Combat in Built-up AreasTC90-1, MilitaryOperations on Urbanized Terrain TrainingUSMCGenericIntelligence Requirements Handbook"NEOs:The New Mission," ArmorMagazine,March/April 1994 IntellXXI: Threat Panel White Paper ** * * * * * *Wargamingand Analyzing the Urban Threat byDavid P. Dilegge, Intelligence Analyst, Marine Intelligence Activity1.GENERAL.Wargamingis the most valuable step in the course of action (COA) development and analysisduring the military decision-making process (MDMP). Trends indicate that fewstaffs understand how to wargame effectively and that many staff officers arenot involved in the procedure. Additionally, threat analysis in support ofwargaming typically does not portray a dynamic enemy capable of making soundmilitary decisions. The staff takes a COA and develops a detailed plan. The staff synchronizes the operations plan by BOS. Information recorded during the wargame provides the basis for the operationsorder.Dueto the importance of wargaming, commanders and staffs generally allocate moretime for its conduct than for other COA analysis steps. Wargaming results intask identification, combat power requirements, critical events and priorityefforts, task organization and command and support relationships, and decisionpoints. Most importantly, the wargame allows the staff to identify criticalpoints in the COA that require either COA revision or abandonment. For thisreason, staffs must prepare and wargame more that one friendly COA. Equallyimportant, the opposing force players, or Red Cell, must prepare more thanone enemy COA. Whenconducting a wargame for MOUT, the Red Cell must portray and fight a wide spectrumof enemy threats to include: Conventional, military operations Paramilitary, insurgency, or guerrilla operations Terrorist activities Organized crime and gang activities Staffsmust recognize that the entire threat spectrum, or portions of it, may be presentat any given time on the urban battlefield. Urbanterrain is a unique battlespace that provides both attacker and defender withnumerous and varied avenues of approach, strongpoints to either attack or defend,and fields of fire. As such, wargaming and analyzing the urban threat musttake into account the unique physical characteristics of urban areas and thethree-dimensional nature of urban combat. Of particular importance when wargamingand analyzing urban areas is the need to focus on the enemy's perspective "insidelooking out" in addition to the "outside looking in" friendly perspective.Urbancombat operations can be conducted from above ground, on ground level, insidebuildings, or below ground. Most urban operations will include fighting onall levels simultaneously. A common mistake in conducting urban wargaming andthreat analysis is focusing on the enemy in or on the objective-not on theenemy that can actually defend it. This is especially true when the objectiveis a building. If the building is important enough for friendly forces to identifyit as key terrain or a named objective, it is most certainly key terrain tothe enemy and, as such, he will plan his defense in-depth on a three-dimensionalplane. Urbanwargaming and threat analysis must also address the constrained battlespace,the close proximity with the civilian populace, the ability of the enemy toblend in with and influence the populace, and the Rules of Engagement (ROE)and how they might influence potential enemy COA. Ofparticular importance when preparing to wargame the enemy is the "informal"wargaming that takes place during threat analysis leading to the "formal" wargame.In preparation for wargaming, the G-2/S-2 must concentrate his efforts on theenemy's most probable and most dangerous COA--a constant "what if" look aidedby the input and active participation of staff Battlefield Operating System(BOS) expertise. 2.DOCTRINAL BASE.References:FM34-130, IntelligencePreparation of the Battlefield (IPB)MCRP-12A,IntelligencePreparation of the Battlefield (IPB)3.PLANNING.OBSERVATION1:Oftena Red Cell is not formed prior to conduct of the wargame. Typically, the G-2/S-2will have sole responsibility for threat analysis and fighting enemy forces.DISCUSSION1:Acritical wargame function in "fighting the enemy" is the formation of a credibleRed Cell. Inclusion of non-intelligence staff members with BOS expertise inthe Red Cell or available to advise the Red Cell both prior to and/or duringconduct of the wargame is essential. While the G-2/S-2 is the "focal point"for the enemy situation, the intelligence officer and his subordinates do nothave the training nor expertise to adequately analyze, portray, and fight eachof the enemy's combat, combat support, and combat service support functionalareas. It is essential that representatives from each staff section analyzeand wargame his functional area from a reverse BOS point of view. Inclusionof BOS expertise lends to raising the "BS" flag when analyzing and wargamingenemy capabilities, vulnerabilities, and possible COA. Examples of reverseBOS include: artillery and mortar men who can provide the principles of effectiveemplacement and utilization of enemy indirect fires; combat engineers who cananalyze the principles of mobility and countermobility from an enemy pointof view; aviators who by second nature are the best in analyzing air avenuesof approach, enemy air-defense capabilities, and the effects of weather andterrain conditions on friendly and enemy flight operations. During urban operations,civil affairs (CA) and psychological operations (PSYOPS) personnel can be arich source of value-added analysis on the local population, the enemy's relationshipwith the populace and how it affects friendly and enemy capabilities as wellas vulnerabilities. These are but a few examples of the BOS expertise availableto ensure a credible Red Cell and threat analysis prior to and during the wargamingprocess. TTP:Theformation of a credible Red Cell is the responsibility of the commander. Hemust leave no doubt in the minds of non-intelligence staff members that theRed Cell process is a staff function and not the sole responsibility of theG-2/S-2. UnitStandard Operating Procedures (SOP) define the composition and responsibilitiesof the Red Cell. Wargamingtraining and rehearsals at home station make the wargame process "second nature."TheG-2/S-2 solicitation of BOS expertise and encouragement of "reverse" BOS analysisof enemy capabilities, vulnerabilities, and likely and most dangerous COA lendscredibility to the process. Embedin the MDMP timeline a specified event for the Red Cell to continue to developmost likely and most dangerous enemy COAs. 4.PREPARATION. OBSERVATION2:TheG2/S-2, as the Red Cell commander, must enter the wargame with a detailed analysisof the enemy's most likely and most dangerous COA. He must also be preparedto portray a dynamic and thinking urban threat. At the same time (and oftena very difficult task) he must factor in the effects of the urban environmentto include the presence of non-combatants on the urban battlefield. DISCUSSION2: Inaddition to the BOS expertise mentioned above, other venues of expertise, especiallyduring urban threat analysis, are often available and must be used when availableand appropriate. These include host country and local government officialsand agencies such as police, fire, health, and public utilities. These sameagencies often maintain infrastructure blueprints and detailed maps as a functionof their day-to-day operations. Other non-traditional areas of military relevantexpertise reside in the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or private volunteerorganizations (PVOs) that are typically "on the scene" during any complex humanitariancrisis. These groups-often "in country" well before a crisis requires militaryintervention-can be a rich source of information on the local culture, infrastructure,and critical services. Tacticalthreat evaluation during urban operations is critical to mission accomplishmentand to saving lives. This evaluation must include three-dimensional analysisof the urban battlefield to include fields of fire along avenues of approachand to the objective(s). The use of enemy maximum range fans and line of siteoverlays from dominate urban terrain will aid in this analysis and can be assimple as using string on a terrain model or the utilization of a computerprogram that depicts the three-dimensional urban battlefield.Usingthree-dimensional threat analysis can also identify "tunnels of death" alongurban avenues of approach where the enemy can engage friendly forces from multiplepositions - this includes above ground, ground level and subterranean locations.Finally,the results of threat analysis must be graphically displayed for use duringwargaming. There are many intelligence products that support the wargamingprocess. Examples critical to the conduct of urban operations include situationand event templates and urban terrain models. The situation and event templatesshould portray how the enemy will employ and fight his forces, while urbanterrain models facilitate analysis and wargaming in three dimension-just likethe urban battlefield. TTP:TheG-2/S-2 must solicit non-traditional expertise from host country and internationalagencies to aid in "painting the MOUT battlefield." Adetailed and complete Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay (MCOO) for terrainanalysis is required. The MCOO must take into consideration that urban terrainis subject to extreme changes as the urban battle unfolds. Atleast two situation templates are required: the most dangerous and the mostlikely enemy COA. MCOOmust be compatible with the graphic displays. 1:50,000 scale maps lack detail.Beprepared to use city maps. Eventtemplates for each COA must be prepared and include at a minimum: time-phaselines, named areas of interest (NAIs) and avenues of approach. Ahigh-value target (HVT) list for each enemy COA must be developed. Graphicdisplays of the urban battlefield must be produced and be large enough foreveryone participating in the wargaming session to see. Event and situationaltemplates must support the large graphic displays. Three-dimensionalurban terrain model, a generic model created at Home Station updated as thesituation unfolds and always available to the staff during planning and wargaming.Three-dimensionaldepiction of the urban area need not be a manually constructed model-use ofautomated data processing (ADP) systems that can computer generate the three-dimensionalurban environment. OBSERVATION3:Thereis a trend for the G-2/S-2 section (and other staff sections as well) to becaught up in the current fight and ignoring the "next battle" while conductinganalysis in preparation for wargaming. DISCUSSION3:Eachstaff section must have well-defined roles for each member, and these rolesmust be defined in the unit's SOP. These roles must delineate between thoseresponsible for current and future operations. TTP:Theroles as defined in the unit's SOP must be rehearsed and enforced so that theyare second nature to each staff member. 5.EXECUTION.OBSERVATION4:Theconduct of wargaming involves fighting the threat, not the plan. Ideally, allenemy COA should be fought against all friendly COA. DISCUSSION4:Athorough wargame of a single COA requires approximately two hours. The commandermust provide guidance on which COA he wants wargamed. The commander must alsoensure that there are wargaming ground rules and the rules are enforced. Awargaming session that lacks ground rules and well-defined roles for the playersoften deteriorates into a "bull session." This leads to irrelevant branchesthat do not truly examine the viability of friendly COA. TTP:Remainunbiased; do not allow personality or a sensing of "what the boss wants" toinfluence the wargaming process. This is especially important for the Red Cell.Accuratelyrecord COA advantages and disadvantages as they become evident. Continuallyassess COA feasibility; do not "fall in love" with the plan, as this leadsto "fighting the plan" and not the enemy. While wargaming, if a COA becomesinfeasible, STOP - REJECT IT, and begin the next COA. Donot begin the wargame with one COA. This inevitably leads to "forcing" theCOA to work regardless of enemy reactions and other battlefield environmentvariables. Avoidcomparing one COA with another during the wargame. This leads to a deterioratingcyclic path of "what ifs" -- a path that often leads back to the "making atentative plan" step in the MDMP. Wait until the COA comparison phase, wheneach COA has been weighted on its own merits. Neverdraw premature conclusions. This tends to create an atmosphere of analysisbased on "tunnel vision" or the gathering and processing of information thatsupports these conclusions.6.CONSIDERATIONS.OBSERVATION5:Wargamingis a team effort. This is especially true when conducting threat analysis andwargaming the enemy. Time constraints during the MDMP will interfere with theprocess, but every attempt must be made to limit the interference. DISCUSSION5:Thoughthe threat analysis process in preparation for wargaming may be acceleratedduring abbreviated planning (10 to 16 hours from receipt of order to orderissue to subordinate headquarters) or accelerated planning (10 hours or less)due to time constraints on the MDMP, it must not be abandoned. A staff thathas been well drilled in the formal process and has an understanding of threatanalysis as a staff product and not exclusively an intelligence function, willbe prepared to successfully abbreviate or accelerate the process. The exclusionof non-intelligence (and at times non-military) personnel in the process and/oran incomplete threat analysis (action - reaction - counteraction) due to timeconstraints will result in the selection of a friendly COA based on assumptionsof enemy doctrine and not of enemy capabilities. This often results in thecommander and his staff "fighting the plan" and not the enemy during wargaming.TTP:Conductformal wargames at Home Station once the staff understands and can executethe formal process. Then drill until wargaming becomes "second nature." HomeStation wargaming must be dynamic and must interject the unexpected. MOUT wargamingpresents the staff with a unique set of battlefield variables, variables thatneed to be addressed well before executing urban operations.Chapter1: IntroductionChapter3: Command and Control @media only screen and (min-device-width : 320px) and (max-device-width : 480px) #ga-ad display: none; 2ff7e9595c

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