Numerous types of systems for the drop off and pick up of merchandise with a merchant have been provided in the prior art. These systems and methods concentrated on the organization and marking of the merchandise dropped off by each Customer. Such a system is illustrated in FIG. 1. FIG. 1 illustrates a conventional dry cleaning shop indicated by the numeral 10. Within this shop 10 is a clerk or employee 12 for receiving merchandise 16 dropped off by customers 14 for cleaning. When merchandise 16 is dropped off by a customer 14, such as dry cleaning or items brought to a merchant for repair, the item must be clearly marked so as not to get mixed up with the merchandise of another customer. The know methods are labor intensive and require employees for processing the transactions. When accepting an item of merchandise 16 from a customer 14, the clerk 12 must prepare a receipt 18 indicating the number of garments and type of garments being dropped off by the customer 14. The receipt 18 is generally within a pad positioned on the counter 19 behind which the clerk 12 is standing. The clerk 12 must also mark the merchandise 16 with an identification code such as a number which is also displayed on the receipt 18. Thus, when the customer 14 returns with the receipt 18, the merchandise 16 can be identified and returned in a repaired and/or cleaned state. The garments 22 which have been cleaned and/or repaired are generally positioned on a rack 20 behind the clerk 12 so that they may be readily retrieved when the customer 14 comes by to pick them up. These methods and systems are labor intensive and are also dependent on the use of a manual labor force. Thus, the hours of operation for a business using such a system is dependent on both economics and the availability of labor. The business can only operate during hours in which employees are available to work and can only obtain employees if the business is successful enough to pay the going rate for such employees. Thus, the hours of operation are restricted by the amount of money the business can allocate for salaries and the hours during which the business can find employees to perform the tasks necessary to operate the business. While these units may be suitable for the particular purpose to which they address, they would not be as suitable for the purposes of the present invention as heretofore described.
Easi Raymond Order Picker Code Manual
A view of an exemplary claim ticket 86 is illustrated in FIG. 9. As can be seen from this figure, the claim ticket 86 includes a ticket number 88 and a list of the merchandise 89 dropped off. Adjacent each item in the merchandise list 89 is a price for the item 90. Below the list of prices 90 is a total amount due 92 for the entire order. Also provided on the claim ticket 86 is a bar code 94. The bar code 94 is used to identify the merchandise for pick up and associate the claim ticket 86 with a particular set of merchandise so that the order is not delivered to the wrong customer.
To learn more, read the ttk module documentation. You may alsowish to read the Tcl/Tk manual page describing theTtk theme engine, available at _intro.htm. Somescreenshots of the Python/Ttk code in use are at -ttk/wiki/Screenshots.
Sullivan argued that the Debsources data set is interesting because ofits quality: every package in Debian has been reviewed by multiplehumans, including the original packager, but also by the FTP mastersto ensure that the distribution can legally redistribute the software. Theexistence of a package in Debian provides a minimal "proof of use":unmaintained packages get removed from Debian on a regular basis andthe mere fact that a piece of software gets packaged in Debian meansat least some users found it important enough to work onpackaging it. Debian packagers make specific efforts to avoid codeduplication between packages in order to ease security maintenance. Thedata set covers a period longer than Black Duck's or GitHub's, as itgoes all the way back to the Hamm 2.0 release in 1998. The data andhow to reproduce it are freely available under a CC BY-SA 4.0license.
LuaTeX is a project with several components and goals, all of which takeTeX in new directions. This project modernizes font handling, using Unicodefor input and output, including for math. It allows you to use any OpenType orTrueType font on your system, and to select typefaces, styles, variants, andfont features easily and flexibly. LuaTeX embeds the Lua scripting languageinto TeX, allowing authors a new level of power and control. Previously,authors who needed to bend TeX to do non-standard or unusual typesettingtasks were obliged to program in the TeX language itself, which is an arcane andspecialized skill. With LuaTeX, authors can accomplish these tasks bywriting scripts in a language with a more familiar syntax.
When you want to actually execute some Lua code, call it as the argumentof a luadirect command. Here you must use caution if you areinserting Lua code directly rather than merely calling a function, as we dohere: the one place where line breaks are significant in Lua is incomments, which begin with "--" and extend to the end of theline. But TeX changes line breaks to spaces, which means that a comment inyour code will comment out everything that comes after it. Here theluadirect command runs our mpshape function,which in turn inserts the parshape command into the TeXstream. I've kept things simple for illustration, but you can easily seehow this could be generalized. Since Lua has an eval function,you could pass a mathematical expression into mpshape as anargument, along with values for bl and n (thenumber of lines to process, here hard-coded as 23, which I found by trialand error).
There is a whole different level of Lua-TeX integration afforded bycallbacks from TeX's processing stages. TeX processes documents ina series of steps, such as reading input, hyphenating, inserting glue,ligaturing, breaking lines, and many more (see the LuaTeX reference manuallinked to above). At each of these stages, TeX is dealing with a linkedlist of nodes, which are elements such as glyphs, kerns, lines,etc., with associated collections of properties. In order to modify one ofTeX's processing stages, you write a Lua function that manipulates therelevant node list, and register this function as a callbackattached to the stage. When the TeX engine reaches the stage in question,it will call the registered function, and continue as normal after itreturns, but with a modified node list.
If all this seems a bit arcane, that's because it is. There is little inthe way of gentle tutorial material to teach one how to do this kind ofwork. But, after studying some examplecode [52-page amusing PDF], carefully reading a few sections of thereference manual, and some experimentation, I was pleasantly surprised athow quickly I could go from an idea to a working implementation. Althoughanything that you can do with these techniques you could also do, intheory, by programming purely in TeX, using Lua and the interfaces definedin the LuaTeX project is far simpler. If you've had the pleasure of tryingto read and understand a LaTeX style file, for example, the code here willseem far less arcane by comparison.
Since any LuaTeX document may contain any code whatsoever in the form ofembedded Lua scripts, you must use caution in processing documents fromuntrusted sources. "Normal" TeX has traditionally refused to runoperating system commands (to run external programs, for example) unlessyou specifically enabled them, but that safety check is absent fromLuaTeX. You can, however, invoke lualatex with the--safer flag, which disables several features that could causemischief, including spawning processes and creating files. See pp. 44-45 ofthe above-linked reference manual for details. 2ff7e9595c